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P025HP2.4 Acopian

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Acopian P025HP2.4 High Voltage AC DC Power Supplies. Output Range kVdc 0-25 | Output Current mA 2.4 | Rack Mounting Regulated

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Ambient operating temperature

–10 to +60°C | No derating required

Current MonitorTerminal

Permits remote monitoring of output current, at mV/mA ratio shown. Accuracy is 2% of maximum rated output current


Maximum of 90% relative, non-condensing


Grounding inhibits output

Input Current

30 watt output ratings: 0.6A | 60 watt output ratings: 1.2A

Input Protection

“Soft start” circuit minimizes start-up power stresses

Input, Control and Monitoring

Screw terminals


105-125 VAC, 50-400 Hz, single phase.


Voltmeter and ammeter are standard. Accuracy is 2% of full scale


High voltage connector (Type varies with model number)

Output Controls

Voltage and current may be controlled by means of two 10-turn front panel adjustments with locking vernier dials. Control linearity is 1% of full rated output. Calibration accuracy is 1% of rated output plus 1% of setting. (Remotely located 1000 ohm potentiometers may alternately be used for output control)

Output Polarity

Positive output is standard. For negative output, change first letter of model number from P to N

Output Programming

Output voltage and current may be programmed from 0 to full rating by means of control voltage inputs of 0 to +5.1 Vdc, ±2%

Output protection

Current regulation circuit protects power supply from short circuits, overload, and arcing

Regulation (constant current operation)

(Line) ±0.1% | (Load:)±0.1% plus 50 µA

Regulation (constant voltage operation)

(Line) ±0.05% | (Load) ±0.05%

Response Time

Less than 5 mS for 100 µA load step change


0.05%, peak-to-peak


0.05% over eight hours, after 30 minute warmup


–20 to +85°C

Temperature Coefficient

200 PPM/°C equals 0.02%/°C (Typical)

Voltage Monitor Terminal

Permits remote monitoring of output voltage, stepped down by ratio shown.Accuracy is 2% of maximum rated output voltage



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D A T A S H E E T Power Supplies High Voltage High Voltage Output ranges: Output ranges: 0-1,000 volts to 0 - 30,000 volts 0-1,000 volts to 0 - 30,000 volts REGULATED REGULATED Modular AC-DC & DC-DC Modular AC-DC & DC-DC • Shipped Within 6 Days • Five Year Warranty (internal encapsulated module - One Year) Rack Mounting AC-DC Rack Mounting AC-DC • Shipped Within 9 Days • Five Year Warranty (internal encapsulated module - One Year) Don’t forget these facts about Acopian.... Don’t forget these facts about Acopian.... 1. We ship within 3 Days (see our 3 Day Shipping Promise below). 2. Acopian power supplies last a very long time. 3. The Voltage Finder is the quickest way to find a power supply with the specs you need. 4. The Online System builder (www.acopian.com/SystemBuilder) is a convenient way to get your own custom Power System (and they ship within 9 Days). 5. You always talk to a real person when you call Acopian. 6. You can order your Acopian power supplies factory direct. 7. You can order your Acopian power supplies online. 8. All Acopian products are made in the USA. The Greatest Engineers Choose Acopian. Acopian Technical Company • Easton, PA 1-800-523-9478 • www.acopian.com Order Factory Direct Made in USA High Voltage AC-DC RACK MOUNTING REGULATED Output ranges: 0 -1,000 volts to 0- 30,000 volts • Shipped Within 9 Days • Five Year Warranty (internal encapsulated module - One Year) Ideal for laboratory and instrumentation applications, ten-turn controls (with locking vernier dials) for precisely these rack mounting supplies have the same output setting voltage and current. Voltmeter, ammeter and ratings and specifications as the modular supplies shown handles are standard. An 8´ long shielded output cable is on pages 70 and 71, but additionally feature calibrated included. SPECIFICATIONS Input Voltage: 105-125 VAC, 50-400 Hz, single phase. Output Programming: Output voltage and current may be programmed from 0 to full rating by means of control Input Current: voltage inputs of 0 to +5.1 Vdc, ±2%. 30 watt output ratings: 0.6A 60 watt output ratings: 1.2A Output Protection: Current regulation circuit protects power supply from short circuits, overload, and arcing. Output Polarity: Positive output is standard. For negative output, change first letter of model number from P to N. Response Time: Less than 5 mS for 100 μA load step change. Regulation (constant voltage operation): Line: ±0.05% Stability: 0.05% over eight hours, after 30 minute Load: ±0.05% warmup. Regulation (constant current operation): Temperature Coefficient: 200 PPM/°C = 0.02%/°C Line: ±0.1% (Typical). Load: ±0.1% plus 50 μA. Ambient Operating Temperature: –10 to +60°C. Ripple: 0.05%, peak-to-peak. No derating required. Output Controls: Voltage and current may be controlled Storage Temperature: –20 to +85°C. by means of two 10-turn front panel adjustments with Humidity: Maximum of 90% relative, non-condensing. locking vernier dials. Control linearity is 1% of full rated Connections: output. Calibration accuracy is 1% of rated output Input, Control and Monitoring: Screw terminals. plus 1% of setting. (Remotely located 1000 ohm Output: High voltage connector (Type varies with potentiometers may alternately be used for output control.) model number). An 8´ shielded output cable, with Metering: Voltmeter and ammeter are standard. Accuracy mating connector installed, is provided. is 2% of full scale. OPTIONS Voltage Monitor Terminal: Permits remote monitoring of Terminal Strip Cover: Clips on AC input terminal strip. output voltage, stepped down by ratio shown. Accuracy is To order, add suffix “M” to model number and $5.00 to 2% of maximum rated output voltage. price. Current Monitor Terminal: Permits remote monitoring of 230 Volt Input: All models can be alternately furnished for output current, at mV/mA ratio shown. Accuracy is 2% of operation on inputs of 210-250 VAC, 50-400 Hz, maximum rated output current. single phase. To order, add suffix “–230” to model number Inhibit Terminal: Grounding inhibits output. and add $40.00 to price. The “–230” option requires two additional days. Input Protection: “Soft start” circuit minimizes start-up power stresses. Online Ordering and Instant Quotes for ALL Acopian power supplies at www.acopian.com 68 P.O. Box 638, Easton, PA 18044 • Phone: (610) 258-5441 • FAX: (610) 258-2842 conn Output Monitor Ratio Model Output Output ($) Range Current Current Positive * ( ) kVdc mA Voltage Price Output mV/mA 0-1 30 1,000:1 100:1 1090 P01HP30 0-1 60 1,000:1 10:1 1195 P01HP60 _ Voltage Adjust Current Adjust 0-1.5 20 1,000:1 100:1 1195 P01.5HP20 0-1.5 40 1,000:1 100:1 1305 P01.5HP40 _ 1 ⁄ 0-2 15 1,000:1 100:1 1090 P02HP15 3 2 Voltmeter Ammeter 0-2 30 1,000:1 100:1 1195 P02HP30 _ 0-2.5 12 1,000:1 100:1 1090 P02.5HP12 Power Switch Handles(2) 5.6 0-2.5 24 1,000:1 100:1 1195 P02.5HP24 _ .78 19.0" 1.25 0-3.5 8.5 1,000:1 100:1 1090 P03.5HP8.5 0-3.5 17 1,000:1 100:1 1195 P03.5HP17 _ REAR VIEW 1.375 External control connections 0-5 6 10,000:1 100:1 1145 P05HP6 5 E ADJ. 10 SIG GND 0-5 12 10,000:1 100:1 1255 P05HP12 OUTPUT _ 4 E PRGM 9 E MONTR 1 3 I ADJ. 8 I MONTR ACAC ⁄ 3 2 .375 LN 2 I PRGM 7 PRGM REF 0-7.5 4 10,000:1 100:1 1145 P07.5HP4 2.4 1 INHIBIT 6 PRGM GND 1.937 OUTPUT RTN .69 0-7.5 8 10,000:1 100:1 1255 P07.5HP8 FUSE _ 1.75 0-10 3 10,000:1 1,000:1 1145 P010HP3 3.88 0-10 6 10,000:1 100:1 1255 P010HP6 _ 12.8 0-12 2.5 10,000:1 1,000:1 1145 P012HP2.5 0-12 5 10,000:1 100:1 1255 P012HP5 15.3 _ 0-15 2 10,000:1 1,000:1 1195 P015HP2 17.0 0-15 4 10,000:1 100:1 1305 P015HP4 _ 0-18 1.6 10,000:1 1,000:1 1195 P018HP1.6 0-18 3.2 10,000:1 1,000:1 1305 P018HP3.2 _ 0-20 1.5 10,000:1 1,000:1 1195 P020HP1.5 0-20 3 10,000:1 1,000:1 1305 P020HP3 Case Size HP36 _ Approx. Weight: 10 lb. 2 oz. to 13 lb. 13 oz. 0-22 1.3 10,000:1 1,000:1 1255 P022HP1.3 0-22 2.6 10,000:1 1,000:1 1360 P022HP2.6 _ 0-25 1.2 10,000:1 1,000:1 1305 P025HP1.2 0-25 2.4 10,000:1 1,000:1 1415 P025HP2.4 _ 0-30 1 10,000:1 1,000:1 1305 P030HP1 0-30 2 10,000:1 1,000:1 1415 P030HP2 Positive output is standard. For negative output, change first * letter of model number from P to N. Online Ordering and Instant Quotes for ALL Acopian power supplies at www.acopian.com 69 P.O. Box 638, Easton, PA 18044 • Phone: (610) 258-5441 • FAX: (610) 258-2842 .375 High Voltage AC-DC MODULAR REGULATED Output ranges: 0 -1,000 volts to 0- 30,000 volts • Shipped Within 6 Days • Five Year Warranty (internal encapsulated module - One Year) These modular High Voltage supplies may be used as are on a pluggable terminal block that functions as a constant voltage or constant current sources. They may connector, providing wiring convenience and permitting be remotely programmed by means of either voltage or easy and rapid connect/disconnect. Outputs are arc/short resistance, and have provisions for remote monitoring and circuit protected. output inhibiting. All control and monitoring connections SPECIFICATIONS Stability: 0.05% over eight hours, after 30 minute Input Voltage: 105-125 VAC, 50-400 Hz, single phase. warmup. Output Polarity: Positive output is standard. For negative Temperature Coefficient: 200 PPM/°C = 0.02%/°C output, change first letter of model number from P to N. (Typical). Regulation (constant voltage operation): Ambient Operating Temperature: –10 to +60°C. Line: ±0.05% No derating required. Load: ±0.05% Storage Temperature: –20 to +85°C. Regulation (constant current operation): Line: ±0.1% Humidity: Maximum of 90% relative, non-condensing. Load: ±0.1% plus 50 μA. Connections: 24˝ flying lead for high side of output and Ripple: 0.05%, peak-to-peak. 5-way binding post for return (ground) are at the rear. AC input connections on separate terminal strip. All other Output Controls: Voltage and current may be controlled connections on pluggable terminal block. by means of two 20-turn front panel adjustments, or by using remotely located 1000 ohm potentiometers. Mounting: Threaded mounting holes permit mounting to a chassis, cabinet wall or bracket, or they may be used Output Programming: Output voltage and current may on a test bench or tabletop. To mount from the power be programmed from 0 to full rating by means of control supply side of the mounting surface, see accessory voltage inputs of 0 to +5.1 Vdc. Mounting Kit GB8 on page 91. Voltage Monitor Terminal: Permits monitoring output OPTIONS voltage, stepped down by ratio shown. Accuracy is 2% of maximum rated output voltage. Terminal Strip Cover: Clips on AC input terminal strip. To order, add suffix “M” to model number and $5.00 to Current Monitor Terminal: Permits monitoring output price. current at mV/mA ratio shown. Accuracy is 2% of maximum rated output current. Output Connector: Models with an output of 5000 volts or less can be provided with an MHV connector (and Inhibit Terminal: Grounding inhibits output. 8´ long detachable shielded output cable with mating Input Protection: “Soft start” circuit minimizes start-up MHV connector installed on one end) instead of the flying power stresses. lead. To order, add suffix letter “T” to the model number Output Protection: Current regulation circuit protects and $50.00 to price. power supply from short circuits, overload, and arcing. 230 Volt Input: For operation on inputs of 210-250 VAC, Efficiency: Greater than 70% at full load. 50-400 Hz, single phase. To order, add suffix “–230” to model number and $40.00 to price. The “–230” option Response Time: Less than 5 mS for 100 μA load step requires two additional days. change. Online Ordering and Instant Quotes for ALL Acopian power supplies at www.acopian.com 70 P.O. Box 638, Easton, PA 18044 • Phone: (610) 258-5441 • FAX: (610) 258-2842 AC-DC MODELS Output Monitor Ratio Model Output Output ($) Range Current Positive Case Current * ( ) kVdc mA Voltage Price Output Size mV/mA 0-1 30 1,000:1 100:1 650 P01HA30 HA349 0-1 60 1,000:1 10:1 760 P01HA60 HA359 _ 0-1.5 20 1,000:1 100:1 650 P01.5HA20 HA349 0-1.5 40 1,000:1 100:1 760 P01.5HA40 HA359 _ 0-2 15 1,000:1 100:1 650 P02HA15 HA349 0-2 30 1,000:1 100:1 760 P02HA30 HA359 _ 0-2.5 12 1,000:1 100:1 650 P02.5HA12 HA349 0-2.5 24 1,000:1 100:1 760 P02.5HA24 HA359 _ 0-3.5 8.5 1,000:1 100:1 650 P03.5HA8.5 HA349 0-3.5 17 1,000:1 100:1 760 P03.5HA17 HA359 _ 0-5 6 10,000:1 100:1 720 P05HA6 HA349 0-5 12 10,000:1 100:1 830 P05HA12 HA359 _ 0-7.5 4 10,000:1 100:1 720 P07.5HA4 HA349 0-7.5 8 10,000:1 100:1 830 P07.5HA8 HA359 _ 0-10 3 10,000:1 1,000:1 720 P010HA3 HA349 0-10 6 10,000:1 100:1 830 P010HA6 HA359 _ 0-12 2.5 10,000:1 1,000:1 720 P012HA2.5 HA349 0-12 5 10,000:1 100:1 830 P012HA5 HA359 _ 0-15 2 10,000:1 1,000:1 760 P015HA2 HA349 0-15 4 10,000:1 100:1 870 P015HA4 HA359 _ 0-18 1.6 10,000:1 1,000:1 760 P018HA1.6 HA349 0-18 3.2 10,000:1 1,000:1 870 P018HA3.2 HA359 _ Case Approx. 0-20 1.5 10,000:1 1,000:1 870 P020HA1.5 HA349 Size LW M V Q R Weight 0-20 3 10,000:1 1,000:1 975 P020HA3 HA359 _ HA349 8.82 4.13 6.00 3.50 2.00 3.25 6 lb. 8 oz. 0-22 1.3 10,000:1 1,000:1 870 P022HA1.3 HA349 HA359 9.33 5.13 7.00 4.50 2.78 4.25 10 lb. 0-22 2.6 10,000:1 1,000:1 975 P022HA2.6 HA359 _ 0-25 1.2 10,000:1 1,000:1 975 P025HA1.2 HA349 0-25 2.4 10,000:1 1,000:1 1085 P025HA2.4 HA359 _ 0-30 1 10,000:1 1,000:1 975 P030HA1 HA349 0-30 2 10,000:1 1,000:1 1085 P030HA2 HA359 Positive output is standard. For negative output, change first letter * of model number from P to N. Online Ordering and Instant Quotes for ALL Acopian power supplies at www.acopian.com 71 P.O. Box 638, Easton, PA 18044 • Phone: (610) 258-5441 • FAX: (610) 258-2842 High Voltage DC-DC MODULAR REGULATED Output ranges: 0 -1,000 volts to 0- 30,000 volts • Shipped Within 6 Days • Five Year Warranty (internal encapsulated module - One Year) These supplies have been designed to withstand severe DC inputs from 21.6 to 32.0 volts may be used for arcing and short circuits without damage. They are these versatile power supplies. Although their outputs are ruggedly constructed with quality components to provide continuously adjustable from 0 to their maximum ratings, many years of reliable service. 20-turn controls permit precise setability. SPECIFICATIONS Input Voltage: +21.6 to 32.0 Vdc. Efficiency: Greater than 70% at full load. Output Polarity: Positive output is standard. For negative Response Time: Less than 5 mS for 100 μA load step output, change first letter of model number from P to N. change. Regulation (constant voltage operation): Stability: 0.05% over eight hours, after 30 minute Line: ±0.05% warmup. Load: ±0.05% Temperature Coefficient: 200 PPM/°C = 0.02%/°C Regulation (constant current operation): (Typical). Line: ±0.1% Ambient Operating Temperature: –10 to +60°C. Load: ±0.1% plus 50 μA. No derating required. Ripple: 0.05%, peak-to-peak. Storage Temperature: –20 to +85°C. Output Controls: Voltage and current may be controlled Humidity: Maximum of 90% relative, non-condensing. by means of two 20-turn front panel adjustments, or by using remotely located 1000 ohm potentiometers. Connections: 24˝ flying lead for high side of output and 5-way binding post for return (ground). All other Output Programming: Output voltage and current may connections on pluggable terminal block. be programmed from 0 to full rating by means of control voltage inputs of 0 to +5.1 Vdc. Mounting: Threaded mounting holes permit mounting to a chassis, cabinet wall or bracket, or they may be used Voltage Monitor Terminal: Permits monitoring output on a test bench or tabletop. To mount from the power voltage, stepped down by ratio shown. Accuracy is 2% of supply side of the mounting surface or for DIN rail maximum rated output voltage. mounting, see accessory Mounting Kits on page 91. Current Monitor Terminal: Permits monitoring output OPTIONS current at mV/mA ratio shown. Accuracy is 2% of maximum rated output current. Output Connector: Models with an output of 5000 volts or less can be provided with an MHV connector (and 8´ Inhibit Terminal: Grounding inhibits output. long detachable shielded output cable with mating MHV connector installed on one end) instead of the flying lead. Input Protection: “Soft start” circuit minimizes start-up To order, add suffix letter “T” to the model number and power stresses. $50.00 to price. Output Protection: Current regulation circuit protects power supply from short circuits, overload, and arcing. Online Ordering and Instant Quotes for ALL Acopian power supplies at www.acopian.com 72 P.O. Box 638, Easton, PA 18044 • Phone: (610) 258-5441 • FAX: (610) 258-2842 OPTIONAL OUTPUT CONNECTOR Models with an output of 5000 volts or less can be provided with an MHV connector (and 8´ long detachable output cable with mating MHV connector installed on one end) instead of the flying lead. To order, add suffix letter “T” to the model number and $50.00 to price. DC-DC MODELS Output Monitor Ratio Model Output Output ($) Range Current Case Current Positive * ( ) kVdc mA Voltage Price Output Size mV/mA 0-1 30 1,000:1 100:1 545 P01HD30 HD345 0-1 60 1,000:1 10:1 650 P01HD60 HD355 _ 0-1.5 20 1,000:1 100:1 545 P01.5HD20 HD345 0-1.5 40 1,000:1 100:1 650 P01.5HD40 HD355 _ 0-2 15 1,000:1 100:1 545 P02HD15 HD345 0-2 30 1,000:1 100:1 650 P02HD30 HD355 _ 0-2.5 12 1,000:1 100:1 545 P02.5HD12 HD345 0-2.5 24 1,000:1 100:1 650 P02.5HD24 HD355 _ 0-3.5 8.5 1,000:1 100:1 545 P03.5HD8.5 HD345 0-3.5 17 1,000:1 100:1 650 P03.5HD17 HD355 _ 0-5 6 10,000:1 100:1 610 P05HD6 HD345 0-5 12 10,000:1 100:1 720 P05HD12 HD355 _ 0-7.5 4 10,000:1 100:1 610 P07.5HD4 HD345 0-7.5 8 10,000:1 100:1 720 P07.5HD8 HD355 _ 0-10 3 10,000:1 1,000:1 610 P010HD3 HD345 0-10 6 10,000:1 100:1 720 P010HD6 HD355 _ 0-12 2.5 10,000:1 1,000:1 610 P012HD2.5 HD345 0-12 5 10,000:1 100:1 720 P012HD5 HD355 _ 0-15 2 10,000:1 1,000:1 650 P015HD2 HD345 PLUGGABLE TERMINAL 0-15 4 10,000:1 100:1 760 P015HD4 HD355 BLOCK CONNECTIONS _ 0-18 1.6 10,000:1 1,000:1 650 P018HD1.6 HD345 0-18 3.2 10,000:1 1,000:1 760 P018HD3.2 HD355 _ Case Approx. 0-20 1.5 10,000:1 1,000:1 760 P020HD1.5 HD345 Size WV R Weight 0-20 3 10,000:1 1,000:1 870 P020HD3 HD355 _ HD345 4.13 3.50 3.25 2 lb. 0-22 1.3 10,000:1 1,000:1 760 P022HD1.3 HD345 HD355 5.13 4.50 4.25 2 lb. 12 oz. 0-22 2.6 10,000:1 1,000:1 870 P022HD2.6 HD355 _ 0-25 1.2 10,000:1 1,000:1 870 P025HD1.2 HD345 0-25 2.4 10,000:1 1,000:1 975 P025HD2.4 HD355 _ 0-30 1 10,000:1 1,000:1 870 P030HD1 HD345 0-30 2 10,000:1 1,000:1 975 P030HD2 HD355 Positive output is standard. For negative output, change first letter * of model number from P to N. Online Ordering and Instant Quotes for ALL Acopian power supplies at www.acopian.com 73 P.O. Box 638, Easton, PA 18044 • Phone: (610) 258-5441 • FAX: (610) 258-2842 1.5 1.125 WALL MOUNTING KITS ...$10 .125 .375 These kits provide a way of mounting power supplies on a wall or panel when the other side of the mounting surface is inaccessible. Each kit consists .75 of four aluminum brackets and four machine screws for fastening them to the power supply, effectively adding mounting flanges to the power supply. .375 .171 dia BOTTOM MOUNTING For Gold Box and modular High Voltage power supplies: GB8 Mounting Kit (#8-32 mounting holes) Can be used on these case sizes: CM6, CM9, CM13, CH11, CH16, DG5, DG6, DG9, G3, G5, G5D, G6, G9, G13, GT5, GT6, GT9, GT13, H8, H11, H16, HD345, HD355, HA349, HA359, HT11, HT16, LM6A*, LM8A*, LM10A*, M6, M9, M13, RM6, RW6 TG5, TG6, TG9, TG13, TH11, WG7, WM6, WM9, Y3, Y5, Y6, YH11, YA *For rear mounting brackets horizontally on LM cases only, use GBR Mounting Kit...$15 For Narrow Profile power supplies: NP6 Mounting Kit (#6-32 mounting holes) REAR MOUNTING Can be used on these case sizes: AMC, CN8T, DN6B, DN6A, DN8A, DN8, F6T, F8T, N8T, WL9, WN6A, WN6B, WN8, WN8A, TN6T NP6L Mounting Kit (#6-32 mounting holes) Model NP6L consists of two brackets 1.5” long as shown above, and two 2.5” long brackets (to extend beyond heat sink). SIDE Can be used on these case sizes: MOUNTING CN8H, N8H, TN8H DIN RAIL MOUNTING KITS ...$15 NPH35DIN Mounting Kit (Horizontal mounting) CH35DIN Mounting Kit (Horizontal mounting) Can be used on these case sizes: Can be used on these case sizes: RM6, RW6 CN8H DN6A F6T N8H TN6T WN6A WH35DIN Mounting Kit (Horizontal mounting) CN8T DN6B F8T N8T TN8H WN6B Can be used on these case sizes: WM6, WM9 DN8 WN8 DN8A WN8A Locking Screw NPV35DIN Mounting Kit (Vertical mounting) Can be used on these case sizes: CN8H DN6A F6T N8H TN6T WN6A CN8T DN6B F8T N8T TN8H WN6B LR35DIN Mounting Kit (Rear mounting) DN8 WN8 LH35DIN Mounting Kit (Horizontal mounting) DN8A WN8A Can be used on these case sizes: LM6A, LM8A, LM10A WL35DIN Mounting Kit (Vertical mounting) Can be used on these case sizes: WL7, WL9 WLH35DIN Mounting Kit (Horizontal mounting) Can be used on these case sizes: WL7, WL9 GH35DIN Mounting Kit (Horizontal mounting) Can be used on these case sizes: NPR35DIN Mounting Kit (Rear mounting) CM6 DG5 G3 GT5 M6 TG5 Y3 Can be used on these case sizes: CM9 DG6 G5 GT6 M9 TG6 Y5 CN8H F6T N8H TN6T CM13 DG9 G5D GT9 M13 TG9 Y6 CN8T F8T N8T TN8H G6 GT13 TG13 G9 GR35DIN Mounting Kit (Rear mounting) G13 Can be used on these case sizes: CM6 DG5 G3 GT5 HD345 M6 RM6 TG5 Y3 CM9 DG6 G5 GT6 HD355 M9 RW6 TG6 Y5 DG9 G5D GT9 TG9 Y6 G6 G9 (Can be used, but not recommended on case sizes: G13, GT13, M13, TG13) Online Ordering and Instant Quotes for ALL Acopian power supplies at www.acopian.com 91 P.O. Box 638, Easton, PA 18044 • Phone: (610) 258-5441 • FAX: (610) 258-2842 ACOPIAN... AboutAcopian’s3DayShipmentGuarantee: ...answers your phone call with a live salesperson No automated menus. The person who answers your call In 1964,Acopian initiated its “3 Day Shipping Guarantee.” Since then our product will courteously and promptly answer your questions,quote offerings have expanded to include many more lines of power supplies that ship price and delivery, expedite your urgent requirements, and within3 Days as well as others that ship within 6 or9 Days. These guarantees offer you immediate access to our engineers. apply to every model in the Acopian catalog. Call toll free 800-523-9478. Our unique 3-day shipping guarantee has prompted many questions. Below are some of those most often asked: …can customize power supplies for you What does Acopian’s 3-day shipping promise mean? Ifa standard power supply does not meet all of your It means that power modules listed in this catalog are shipped within 3 days after requirements, speak with one of our engineers. We can we receive your order. High Voltage, Redundant, Rack Mounting, Systems and often modify the specifications, ratings and configuration certain Switching power supplies are shipped within 9 days. ofa supply.We can also combine several power supplies intoa Multiple Output Power System with the operating Has Acopian ever failed to meet this promise? features you specify (such as meters and switches) and Never. ship it within 9 Days! Do options affect shipping time? The 230 volt input option and moisture/fungus-proofing option require two …hasa 5-year warranty additional days.All other options do not affect shipping time. This is typical:One of our customers sent us an old power Isthe3-daypromiseaffectedbyquantity?Suppose we need 50 or 100 pieces? supply witha note indicating that the supply had been in The 3-day promise applies to orders for five or less modules.(Two or less for 9-day continuous use since 1972 (33 years!), but he had items). If requested, Acopian will ship five pieces ofa larger order in3 days and, recently noticed that the output voltage was low. We with consideration of your requirement, schedule the balance. (Since each foundthatthecapacitorshaddriedup,replacedthemand shipment is processed and priced as a separate order, for lowest prices request returned the supply to the customer,who thanked us and shipment in one lot.) said he intends to keep using it. We focus on making WhatifIneedfourorfivedifferentmodels?Doesthe3-daypromisestillapply? power supplies that will lasta long time.There are power Yes.Guaranteed 3-day shipment applies to one model or toa combination of models. supplies that cost less than ours, or that are smaller than ours,but you won’t find any that last longer than ours.All DoI have to ask for 3-day shipment of my order? too often, low-priced supplies are densely packed, run 3-dayshipmentisautomatic.Infact,youmusttellusifyouwanttheshipmentdelayed. hot,have short lifetimes and short warranties.AllAcopian How long after you ship willI have the power supplies? metal-cased power products havea 5-year warranty, but Transportation time varies with the carrier used. Unless otherwise requested, you can expect them to lasta lot longer. Acopian ships small orders by UPS Ground. YousayAcopianhasneverfailedtomeetthe3-day promise.How do you do it? Purchase Acopian... 3-day shipment, long lasting Our facilities have been designed and equipped to meet our 3-day shipment power supplies,and unsurpassed customer service. promise.When your order is received,your power supplies are built specifically for you and shipped within three days.We do not ship from stock.(For this reason,we are unable to accept returns for credit.) I’veseenotherpowersupplymanufacturersadvertise“same-dayshipment.” “In my business, Acopian is Isn’t that better than 3-day shipment? referred to as bulletproof. It A typical vendor’s “same-day shipment” advertisement can only be fulfilled if the power supplies you need are in stock. Otherwise, a four to six week delay is not never fails and lasts forever.” unusual before inventory is replenished and your order is shipped. - Steve Andrews, President Acopian’s 3-day shipment promise applies to ALL3 Day models (larger units ship Technical Options, Inc. within9 Days) and is not dependent on the quantity in stock. We build each unit after the order for that unit is received.If an order is needed faster,often times we can ship in less than3 days. “If Acopian made automobiles, I’d buy one without question.” If you require shipment even earlier than our standard promise, just let us know, - David A. Price, Research Technologist we can usually ship sooner.We welcome the opportunity to work with you. Georgia Tech Research Institute ORDERING INFORMATION & Terms and Conditions ACOPIAN SELLS FACTORY DIRECT WORLDWIDE: We do not use representatives or distributors. Contact Acopian for technical information or a quote. WARRANTY: Acopian power supplies are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of five years (encapsulated devices, for one year) from date of original shipment. Acopian’s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing any power supply returned to the factory Service Department in Easton, PA and replacing any defective parts. Mini Encapsulated power supplies are not repairable. Authorization must be obtained from Acopian before a power supply may be returned for repair. Units must be well packed when shipping to Acopian; the repair of any damage incurred during shipment will be charged. Transportation charges are to be paid by the purchaser. A reinspection and handling charge will be applied to returned units found to have no defects. If a failure has been caused by misuse, operation in excess of specifications, or modification by the customer, repairs will be billed at cost; in such cases, a cost estimate will be submitted before work is started. Acopian reserves the right to make changes or improvements in its products without incurring any obligation to install the same on products previously manufactured. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, obligations, and liabilities, expressed or implied, and is the purchaser’s exclusive remedy. Acopian makes no warranty, either express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise. In no event shall Acopian be liable whether in contract, tort, or negligence, for special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, including loss of business or profits, or any other losses incurred by the purchaser or any third party, the Customer’s remedies being limited, at Acopian’s option, to replacement, repair or credit at the price on the date of claim. The validity, performance and construction of all terms and conditions and any sale made by Acopian shall be determined by the law of Pennsylvania, without regard to its conflict of law principles, and all parties to the transaction expressly consent to the jurisdiction of such courts and consent to the venue of the Court of Common Pleas for Northampton County, Pennsylvania. PRICES: The prices shown are F.O.B. our factory; Easton, PA. or Melbourne, FL.. All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Minimum order is $50.00. TERMS: Net 30 days, subject to credit approval. Visa, MasterCard and American Express also accepted. SHIPPING: Location permitting, small shipments are made by United Parcel Service, or by Parcel Post; larger shipments, by insured motor freight collect. Shipments can be made by air upon request. Risk of loss shall be F.O.B. Our Factory, even in cases where freight may be prepaid or allowed to destination by Acopian. If equipment is received in damaged condition, it is the customer’s responsibility to contact the carrier and file a claim for damages. TIME FOR DELIVERY: The time for delivery quoted by Acopian is the time required to ship from our plants. We will not be liable for delays in delivery caused by any reason beyond our control, including but not limited to acts of God, casualty, civil disturbance, labor disputes, transportation or supply difficulties, or any interruption of our facilities, and the quoted time for delivery shall be extended during the continuance of such conditions and for a reasonable time thereafter. In no event will Acopian be liable for any premium transportation, reprocurement, or similar costs incurred by the Customer as a result of conditions beyond Acopian’s control resulting in Acopian’s inability to deliver product in accordance with customer’s requested delivery schedules. QUANTITY DISCOUNTS: Discounts are available to quantity buyers and are dependent upon the order quantity and the manufacturing scheduling anticipated by the order, and apply only to the quantity and delivery ordered. Partial shipments are considered as separate orders for discounting purposes. EXPORT ORDERS: A minimum export documentation charge of $60.00 applies. (A minimum charge of $25.00 applies on orders requiring customs forms for Canadian orders and for orders to certain U.S. territories.) MOISTURE/FUNGUS PROOFING: Power supplies can be furnished with a moisture and fungus resistant varnish applied to interior surfaces. To order, add the suffix letter F to the model number. The additional cost is $25.00 per output and requires two additional days. Not available on High Voltage, Mini Encapsulated, Rack Mounting, and Gold Box Switching models. TAGGING: Maximum of 15 characters/spaces. Add $10.00 to price. TEST DATA: Cost, $35.00 or 2% of order, whichever is greater. SPECIAL MODELS/MODIFICATIONS: Cataloged models can be altered at the factory to meet special requirements. Contact the Applications Engineering Department to discuss your needs. PARTS: The designs used in Acopian power supplies utilize standard components to the greatest practical extent. When replacements are required, the types originally used, or their equivalents, can usually be obtained most quickly from a local electronic components distributor. Special components, such as transformers, are stocked at the factory warehouses. Contact the Applications Engineering Department for information on the parts required, referencing the model number of the power supply, the circuit designation of the component, and a description. PURCHASE ORDER ACCEPTANCE: Orders are accepted subject to Acopian’s Terms and Conditions. Any Terms and Conditions of any Purchaser’s order, agreement, or understanding which are in addition to or inconsistent with Acopian’s shall not be binding upon Acopian unless made in writing and accepted over the signature of an authorized officer of Acopian. Orders shall not be considered accepted until entered into production at our plant. Acopian reserves the right to refuse any order. All typographical and clerical errors are subject to correction by Acopian. RETURNED GOODS: Acopian products are built on a per-order basis, and ordinarily no credit can be extended for their return. No goods will be accepted for return unless authorized in writing by Acopian. CHANGES: The customer may, by a written notice, request changes within the general scope of the order, in the drawings, designs or specifications; method of shipment; and place of delivery. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost, or the time required for the processing of any part of the order, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the price or delivery schedule, or both, and the order shall be modified in writing accordingly. CANCELLATION: Suspension or cancellation of orders may be made only upon our written approval and on terms that will indemnify us against all loss. OVERTIME: It is anticipated that any order will be processed during regular working hours on regular working days. If for any reason the Purchaser requests Acopian to process the order, or any portion of it, outside of such regular working hours, any overtime or other additional expense occasioned thereby shall be billed to and paid by the Purchaser as an extra cost. Acopian reserves the right to decline to process the order outside regular working hours. CUSTOMER DELAY OF WORK: If the performance of all or any part of the work is delayed or interrupted by Customer’s failure to act within the time specified (or within a reasonable time if no time is specified) and such act is not expressed or implied by the order, an adjustment shall be made in the cost of performance of the order caused by such delay or interruption and the order modified in writing accordingly. Adjustment will also be made in the delivery or performance dates and any other contractual provisions affected by such delay or interruption. GOVERNMENT SPECIFICATIONS: Pricing is based upon industrial-grade construction, marking, packing, and packaging. Exception is taken to any MIL specifications, and to any requirements for the use of special forms, documentation other than quoted, and Government Source Inspection. Acopian must decline to quote on any other basis. APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE: Questions regarding the specifications, features, and use of any Acopian product should be directed to the Applications Engineering Department. A staff of power supply specialists will be pleased to assist you. www.acopian.com - Online Ordering and Instant Quotes Online ! Acopian Technical Company P.O. Box 638, Easton, PA 18044 • Phone: (610) 258-5441 • FAX: (610) 258-2842 Call toll free: (800) 523-9478 (International: Country Code 01) Since 1957 ALL ACOPIAN POWER SUPPLIES MADE IN U.S.A. “At Project IceCube, it’s absolutely critical to have a good power supply. The ice must be as pure and clear as possible. If the power to the ice top sensor system were to fail, we would risk the tank water freezing without being controlled, resulting in bubbles and impurities, and very much reducing the quality of ice and quality of information that we can see with our detectors. We chose Acopian power supplies to power our pumping and degassing systems because of their reputation for reliability. The people at Acopian met all of our highly demanding specifications and, despite very little time until our window to ship to the Pole, they met our schedule. We were 100% satisfied.“ Jim Baccus Cable System Manager Project IceCube (the international high-energy neutrino observatory being built and installed in PHOTO COURTESY OF THE ICECUBE PROJECT the ice below South Pole Station) The world’s most demanding environments demand Acopian power systems. Design your own Acopian power system online with the System Builder at www.acopian.com. Simply enter your requirements, and you’ll receive a quotation for fully wired multiple-output power systems, without the need for you to prepare mechanical layouts or search through a power supply catalog. Each system will be completely wired, tested and shipped within 9 days after receipt of the order. Choose Acopian – the power supplies of choice for the world’s leading engineers. ALL ACOPIAN POWER SUPPLIES MADE IN U.S.A. Acopian Technical Company 1-800-523-9478 • www.acopian.com

Frequently asked questions

What makes Elite.Parts unique?

chervon down
At GID Industrial (Elite.Parts' parent company), we specialize in procuring industrial parts. We know where to find the rare and obsolete equipment that our customers need in order to get back to business. There are other companies who claim to do what we do, but we're confident that our commitment to quality and value is unparalleled in our field.

What kind of warranty will the Acopian have?

chervon down
Warranties differ by part and by which suppliers we use to procure it for you. Sometimes, a part will be sold as-is and without a warranty. Our specialty, single board computers, tend to receive a one-year warranty.

Which carriers does Elite.Parts work with?

chervon down
Elite.Parts can ship via FedEx, UPS, DHL, and USPS. We have accounts with each of them and generally ship using one of those, but we can also ship using your account if you would prefer. However, we can use other carriers if it will be more convenient for you.

Will Elite.Parts sell to me even though I live outside the USA?

chervon down
Absolutely! We are happy to serve customers regardless of location. We work with international clients all the time, and we are familiar with shipping to destinations all across the globe.

I have a preferred payment method. Will Elite.Parts accept it?

chervon down
All major credit cards are accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. We will also accept payment made with wire transfer or PayPal. Checks will only be accepted from customers in the USA. Terms may available for larger orders, upon approval.

Why buy from GID?



We are industry veterans who take pride in our work



Avoid the dangers of risky trading in the gray market



Our network of suppliers is ready and at your disposal



Maintain legacy systems to prevent costly downtime



Time is of the essence, and we are respectful of yours

What they say about us


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One of our top priorities is maintaining our business with precision, and we are constantly looking for affiliates that can help us achieve our goal. With the aid of GID Industrial, our obsolete product management has never been more efficient. They have been a great resource to our company, and have quickly become a go-to supplier on our list!

Bucher Emhart Glass


star star star star star

With our strict fundamentals and high expectations, we were surprised when we came across GID Industrial and their competitive pricing. When we approached them with our issue, they were incredibly confident in being able to provide us with a seamless solution at the best price for us. GID Industrial quickly understood our needs and provided us with excellent service, as well as fully tested product to ensure what we received would be the right fit for our company.



star star star star star

Our company provides services to aid in the manufacture of technological products, such as semiconductors and flat panel displays, and often searching for distributors of obsolete product we require can waste time and money. Finding GID Industrial proved to be a great asset to our company, with cost effective solutions and superior knowledge on all of their materials, it’d be hard to find a better provider of obsolete or hard to find products.

Applied Materials


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Over the years, the equipment used in our company becomes discontinued, but they’re still of great use to us and our customers. Once these products are no longer available through the manufacturer, finding a reliable, quick supplier is a necessity, and luckily for us, GID Industrial has provided the most trustworthy, quality solutions to our obsolete component needs.

Nidec Vamco


star star star star star

This company has been a terrific help to us (I work for Trican Well Service) in sourcing the Micron Ram Memory we needed for our Siemens computers. Great service! And great pricing! I know when the product is shipping and when it will arrive, all the way through the ordering process.

Trican Well Service


star star star star star

When I can't find an obsolete part, I first call GID and they'll come up with my parts every time. Great customer service and follow up as well. Scott emails me from time to time to touch base and see if we're having trouble finding something.....which is often with our 25 yr old equipment.

ConAgra Foods

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